Digital tile for TV billboard in front of building
Created for the Sweetwater Academy of Music and Technology, I wanted to create a fun campaign to draw parents and students in alike. The exerciser that was a part of the promotion is intended to increase finger strength for guitarists and bassists. Due to this, I had the idea to put a guitar side-by-side with the exerciser to directly show the relation between the items. The blue, teal, and yellow I used came directly from the Academy branding, but used in an engaging way. Small sketched elements and the star motif matching that on the fretboard livened up the design. Overall, the small details in this campaign fit more for the Academy than Sweetwater in general, without straying from the branding guidelines.
Programs: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Procreate
Print Promotional Assets

8.5x11 print flier

11x16 print poster

Quad rolling sign tile

Tall rolling sign tile
Digital Promotional Assets

1080x1080 Instagram post

Instagram Story

Facebook event tile